Salaah Times in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

Pietermaritzburg is the capital of the KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa. It is a major cultural and religious center for Muslims, the city has many mosques and Islamic centers.

Salaah Times in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

Prayer times in Pietermaritzburg vary year-round, depending on the position of the sun. Prayer is an important part of the Islamic faith and a way for Muslims to connect with God. By praying Salah prayers, Muslims fulfill one of the most important pillars of Islam. 

Here are the approximate prayer times in Pietermaritzburg in August 2023:

  1. Fajr 5:05AM
  2. Dhuhr 12:02 p.m
  3. Asr 03:13 pm.
  4. Maghrib 5:38 pm
  5. Isha 6:05 pm

These time periods are based on the Hanafi madhhab, the most watched madhhab in South Africa. However, it is important to note that actual prayer times may vary slightly by location. It is best to check with your local mosque or Islamic center for the most accurate prayer times.

   Fajr (dawn)

Fajr prayer times begin at dawn, when light from the sky spreads horizontally along the horizon, to the right and to the left. Fajr time ends at sunrise.

Dhuhr (noon)

Dhuhr prayer time begins when the sun has passed its peak and a person’s shadow is the same length as that person’s height. Dhuhr time ends when the shadow of an object is twice as long as the object.

Asr (afternoon)

Asr prayer time begins when the shadow of an object is the same length as the object itself, after the sun has passed the zenith. Asr’s time ends when the sun turns yellow.

Maghrib (sunset)

Maghrib prayer times begin when the sun disappears completely below the horizon. The time of the Maghreb ended when dusk was over.

Isha (night)

Isha prayer time starts at sunset and ends in the middle of the night.

Benefits of doing Five Daily Prayers

  1. Connect with God
  2. Reflect on your life
  3. Find peace and quiet
  4. Reduce stress and anxiety
  5. Improve self-discipline
  6. Community building


How ​​many times a day do Muslims pray?

Muslims pray five times a day:

Fajr (dawn), Dhuhr (noon), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (sunset) and Isha (night).

What is the exact prayer time?

Exact prayer times vary depending on the location and time of year. In some cases, the schedule may vary depending on the madhhabs (Islamic law schools). 

What should I do to pray?

To pray, you will need to find a clean place to pray, across from the Kaaba in Mecca. You also need to make sure you’re wearing clean clothes. The prayer itself consists of a series of movements and recitation. 

What can invalidate a prayer?

There are a number of things that can invalidate a prayer, including:

  • Intentionally omitted part of the prayer
  • Interrupting prayer without good reason
  • Eat or drink anything while praying
  • Walk in the wrong direction

What can I do if I don’t pray?

If you miss a prayer, you can catch it later, as soon as possible. You can also pray extra (nawafil) to make up for the missed prayer. 

What are the conditions for the prayer to be valid?

Several conditions must be met for the prayer to be valid, including:

  • Prayers must be done properly
  • Prayer should be done in a clean place
  • Prayer should be done facing the Kaaba
  • Prayer must be done for the purpose of worship

What are the different schools of thought regarding prayer times?

There are four main schools of thought (madhhabs) in Islam:

Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i and Hanbali. Each madhhab has a slightly different way of calculating prayer times.

How ​​is prayer time calculated?

Prayer times are calculated based on the position of the sun. Previously, this was done by observing the sun and moon. However, today there are many online and mobile applications to calculate prayer times accurately.

What are the ways to pray?

There are two main ways to pray:

individually and collectively. Personal prayer is the most common form of prayer. Mass prayer is conducted in a mosque or other designated place, presided over by a cleric.


Muslims pray five times a day: Fajr (dawn), Dhuhr (noon), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (sunset) and Isha (night). Exact prayer times vary depending on the location and time of year.

Prayer is an important part of the Islamic faith and a way for Muslims to connect with God. Prayer has many benefits, including connecting with God, reflecting on our lives, finding peace and quiet, reducing stress and anxiety, improving self-discipline, and building relationships.